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Leaders from various fields will discuss three themes: “Imagining City of the Future”, “Discussing Future of Technology”, and “Developing Startups”
Live interpretation available (Seats are limited)

The technology that displays English language in Japanese on a screen at the All Japan Eco System Area Stage as part of efforts to promote universal communication for the World Athletics Championships and Deaflympics to be held in Tokyo in 2025.
All Japan Ecosystem Area
11:00-11:45SMART TOKYO - Be Smart Tokyo (Project) -Introduction of initiatives by the Bureau of Digital Services TMG to promote smart services implementation by startups.
Rina MiyataDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLCToshiya TabataDigital GarageTatsuki IshikawaeMoBi co.,ltdKeisuke MiuraPlug and Play JapanMidori MizoteCIC Institute11:00-11:45SMART TOKYO - Be Smart Tokyo (Project) --
Rina MiyataDeloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLC
Toshiya TabataDigital Garage
Tatsuki IshikawaeMoBi co.,ltd
Keisuke MiuraPlug and Play Japan
Midori MizoteCIC Institute
12:00-12:15Breaking into Japan -Introduction of JETRO’s support for overseas companies-Introducing JETRO’s Invest Japan support for overseas companies.
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO12:00-12:15Breaking into Japan -Introduction of JETRO’s support for overseas companies--
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO
12:30-13:15From Lab to Market: Spotlight on TMDU StartupsIntroducing Two Startups Born from Tokyo Medical and Dental University Labs
Masahiro MatsuuraTokyo Medical and Dental University Open Innovation CenterMasayasu TanaseARCS INC.Satoshi UchidaCrafton Biotechnology Co.,Ltd12:30-13:15From Lab to Market: Spotlight on TMDU Startups-
Masahiro MatsuuraTokyo Medical and Dental University Open Innovation Center
Masayasu TanaseARCS INC.
Satoshi UchidaCrafton Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
13:30-14:15Startup Support Initiatives at OIST and OIST-Startups ShowcaseStartup support initiatives at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology and pitches by 5 startups
Miki TakashinaStartup Support Coordinator, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)Shivani SathishCo-founder/CSO, AtierraEli LyonsCo-founder/CEO, GenomeMinerLokesh AgrawalFounder & CEO, SNDRegenic Biomed Pvt Ltd / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)Nishant Singh RanaFounder & CEO, VyoriusJorge Garcia HernandezScience Officer, Watasumi13:30-14:15Startup Support Initiatives at OIST and OIST-Startups Showcase-
Miki TakashinaStartup Support Coordinator, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)
Shivani SathishCo-founder/CSO, Atierra
Eli LyonsCo-founder/CEO, GenomeMiner
Lokesh AgrawalFounder & CEO, SNDRegenic Biomed Pvt Ltd / Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)
Nishant Singh RanaFounder & CEO, Vyorius
Jorge Garcia HernandezScience Officer, Watasumi
14:30-15:15Lightning talks by fast-growing startups solving social issuesThe Fast-growing Startups in Cleantech, Robotics and IoT domains will give exciting presentations.
Masafusa OeAlgal Bio Co.,Ltd. (COO)Koichi NakamuraIdein Inc. (Founder/CEO)Yuki HanyuIntegriculture Inc. (CEO)Satoru ShimadaAerosense Inc. (Board Director)Kazumasa NakashimaGlobal Mobility Service Inc. (Executive Director / CFO)Kazunori SaitoiRobotics, Inc. (Co-Founder CFO)Tadashi KuboAC Biode (Co-Founder & CEO)Jun OkitaGreen Carbon,inc. (CEO)Osamu HasegawaSOINN Inc. (CEO)Nana HoriTensor Energy k.k. (CEO)14:30-15:15Lightning talks by fast-growing startups solving social issues-
Masafusa OeAlgal Bio Co.,Ltd. (COO)
Koichi NakamuraIdein Inc. (Founder/CEO)
Yuki HanyuIntegriculture Inc. (CEO)
Satoru ShimadaAerosense Inc. (Board Director)
Kazumasa NakashimaGlobal Mobility Service Inc. (Executive Director / CFO)
Kazunori SaitoiRobotics, Inc. (Co-Founder CFO)
Tadashi KuboAC Biode (Co-Founder & CEO)
Jun OkitaGreen Carbon,inc. (CEO)
Osamu HasegawaSOINN Inc. (CEO)
Nana HoriTensor Energy k.k. (CEO)
15:30-15:45Business Collaboration with Overseas companies -Introduction of JETRO’s J-Bridge program and support for Japanese companies-Introducing J-Bridge which aims to create open innovation through business collaboration with overseas companies.
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO15:30-15:45Business Collaboration with Overseas companies -Introduction of JETRO’s J-Bridge program and support for Japanese companies--
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO
16:00-16:45Unlocking Tokyo’s Reality from Global Companies' Perspectives - Tips for Tokyo Market Entry-In this session, we will invite global companies that utilized the Tokyo market entry and expansion program offered by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and unravel their Tokyo market entry experience. We will feature their opinions on Tokyo as a destination for business expansion and navigate how the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has supported their challenges throughout their journey.
Karen NishizakiDeloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd.Tadato MaejimaGraphen Japan Co., LtdYasuaki MoriRGo RoboticsSami HyyrylainenTactoTek KKYutaka IzawaTRAYDSTREAM16:00-16:45Unlocking Tokyo’s Reality from Global Companies' Perspectives - Tips for Tokyo Market Entry--
Karen NishizakiDeloitte Tohmatsu Venture Support Co., Ltd.
Tadato MaejimaGraphen Japan Co., Ltd
Yasuaki MoriRGo Robotics
Sami HyyrylainenTactoTek KK
Communication Hub
Mitsui Fudosan Booth
11:30-11:50How does HataLuck aim to transform the workstyle of shift workers?11:30-11:50How does HataLuck aim to transform the workstyle of shift workers?-
Takeshi SomeyaHataLuck and Person Inc.
12:30-12:50Build the Sixth Japan’s major road from Nihonbashi to the universe12:30-12:50Build the Sixth Japan’s major road from Nihonbashi to the universe-
Yuya NakamuraAxelspace Corporation
13:30-13:50Metaverse: The Key of business use and future.Metaverse Market Expansion and the Latest Applications in corporates and governments13:30-13:50Metaverse: The Key of business use and future.Metaverse Market Expansion and the Latest Applications in corporates and governments-
Takushi KameyaCluster, Inc.
14:30-14:50Global Climate Tech Trends and Ways of collaborating with Startups14:30-14:50Global Climate Tech Trends and Ways of collaborating with Startups-
Miho KurosakiEnergy Impact Partners
15:30-15:50Challenges of a Global Accelerator from Asia15:30-15:50Challenges of a Global Accelerator from Asia-
Jimmy KimSparkLabs Global Venturess
16:00-16:20Fire side chat from two Japanese major real estate developers: Notable startups we found16:00-16:20Fire side chat from two Japanese major real estate developers: Notable startups we found-
16:30-16:50Techstars Tokyo Special Office Hour16:30-16:50Techstars Tokyo Special Office Hour-
Kirstin HunterTechstars
All Japan Ecosystem Area
10:00-10:45Be a global entrepreneur!Global Entrepreneurship Development Program for Tokyo students by the Faculty of Entrepreneurship,Musashino Univ.
Ito YoichiDepartment of Entrepreneurship, Musashino University.10:00-10:45Be a global entrepreneur!-
Ito YoichiDepartment of Entrepreneurship, Musashino University.
11:00-11:45Challenges to Global business by "TUSIDE"
~Tokyo Univeristy of Science, Certified SU Innophys, and TUSIM/TUSIC~Key players in team deliver the voices involved in globalization, ecosystem, business&collaborations.
Hatsumi IinoTokyo University of ScienceHiroshi KobayashiTokyo University of Science/Innophys Co., Ltd.MASARU YODAInnophys Co., LtdYuichi KatayoriTokyo University of Science Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Tokyo University of Science Innovation CapitalHisanori TakataTokyo University of Science Innovation CapitalShuhei TajimaTokyo University of Science Investment Management Co., Ltd.Yuki TamamuraTokyo University of Science Innovation Capital11:00-11:45Challenges to Global business by "TUSIDE"
~Tokyo Univeristy of Science, Certified SU Innophys, and TUSIM/TUSIC~-
Hatsumi IinoTokyo University of Science
Hiroshi KobayashiTokyo University of Science/Innophys Co., Ltd.
MASARU YODAInnophys Co., Ltd
Yuichi KatayoriTokyo University of Science Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Tokyo University of Science Innovation Capital -
Hisanori TakataTokyo University of Science Innovation Capital
Shuhei TajimaTokyo University of Science Investment Management Co., Ltd.
Yuki TamamuraTokyo University of Science Innovation Capital
12:00-12:15Breaking into Japan -Introduction of JETRO’s support for overseas companies-Introducing JETRO’s Invest Japan support for overseas companies.
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO12:00-12:15Breaking into Japan -Introduction of JETRO’s support for overseas companies--
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO
12:30-13:15New Trends in Kyoto Startup EcosystemGlobal startups and VCs based in Kyoto will discuss new trends in the Kyoto ecosystem.
Narimasa MakinoMonozukuri VenturesKeiji NiizuGlobal BrainKazunori Okimui Lab, Inc.Jun-ichi FurumotoMetro Weather Co., Ltd.12:30-13:15New Trends in Kyoto Startup Ecosystem-
Narimasa MakinoMonozukuri Ventures
Keiji NiizuGlobal Brain
Kazunori Okimui Lab, Inc.
Jun-ichi FurumotoMetro Weather Co., Ltd.
13:30-14:15To Kobe Beef, or not to Kobe Beef? Drive Cross-Border Foodtech Innovation from Hyogo-KobeWe'll discuss various perspectives on the key points to successfully facilitate matching between global food tech startups and Japanese corporates.
Chika YamamotoCROSSBIE GmbHMayu SugisakiForsea FoodsShiori FukudaKobe CityHideki KatagiriNishimura & AsahiYasuo MurataOisix ra daichi inc. Corporate Planning Division13:30-14:15To Kobe Beef, or not to Kobe Beef? Drive Cross-Border Foodtech Innovation from Hyogo-Kobe-
Chika YamamotoCROSSBIE GmbH
Mayu SugisakiForsea Foods
Shiori FukudaKobe City
Hideki KatagiriNishimura & Asahi
Yasuo MurataOisix ra daichi inc. Corporate Planning Division
14:30-15:15Introduction of "King Salmon Project" adopted companiesWe are pleased to introduce you to the companies adopted for the “King Salmon Project,” which aims to expand its business from a demonstration project at a government site in Tokyo to the global market.
Atsushi NakanishDFree Inc. CEOMachi TakahashiStroly Inc. President and Co-CEOHiroaki Sengoku Ph.Dmicrobase Inc. CEOMasaya SugisakiRYDE Inc. CEO14:30-15:15Introduction of "King Salmon Project" adopted companies-
Atsushi NakanishDFree Inc. CEO
Machi TakahashiStroly Inc. President and Co-CEO
Hiroaki Sengoku Ph.Dmicrobase Inc. CEO
Masaya SugisakiRYDE Inc. CEO
15:30-15:45Business Collaboration with Overseas companies -Introduction of JETRO’s J-Bridge program and support for Japanese companies-Introducing J-Bridge which aims to create open innovation through business collaboration with overseas companies.
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO15:30-15:45Business Collaboration with Overseas companies -Introduction of JETRO’s J-Bridge program and support for Japanese companies--
Investment and Alliance Division, Innovation Department, JETRO
16:00-16:45Pitch by the winners of Tokyo Financial Award 2023Introducing the Tokyo Financial Award and presentations by the Tokyo Financial Award Winners
Tatsuro ShirakawaEY Strategy and Consulting Co.Ltd.Izumi AkiTokyo Metropolian GovernmentJim LeeToggle G.K.Seiichi AtoCredit Engine Inc.Ilya MelkumovInovat Ltd.Shoji MarukawaNature Innovation Group Inc.Kenichiro NiiroTBM Co., Ltd.16:00-16:45Pitch by the winners of Tokyo Financial Award 2023-
Tatsuro ShirakawaEY Strategy and Consulting Co.Ltd.
Izumi AkiTokyo Metropolian Government
Jim LeeToggle G.K.
Seiichi AtoCredit Engine Inc.
Ilya MelkumovInovat Ltd.
Shoji MarukawaNature Innovation Group Inc.
Kenichiro NiiroTBM Co., Ltd.
Communication Hub
10:00-12:00Morning Pitch @SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 presented by American Express10:00-12:00Morning Pitch @SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 presented by American ExpressMitsui Fudosan Booth
11:30-11:50The robotics startup is "making every industry unmanned"11:30-11:50The robotics startup is "making every industry unmanned"-
Tomohiro OkazawaNew Innovations Inc.
13:00-13:20The tips for corporates to collaborate with startups13:00-13:20The tips for corporates to collaborate with startups-
Yusaku Araifor Startups, Inc.
13:30-13:50Why is the Korean startup ecosystem so emerging?13:30-13:50Why is the Korean startup ecosystem so emerging?-
Changyoun Leed·CAMP
14:30-14:50Frankly Talk on Open Innovation in Large Corporate14:30-14:50Frankly Talk on Open Innovation in Large Corporate-
Tetsujiro Nakagaki (formerly DNX General Partner)SHIFT Inc.
15:00-15:20Challenges for Japanese Companies to Collaborate with Global Startups!15:00-15:20Challenges for Japanese Companies to Collaborate with Global Startups!-
Rina OtsukaExecutive Director, Endeavor Japan
Dustin Jefferson S.OnghansengCEO and Co-Founder, uHoo
15:30-15:50The Real Estate Tech Startups Today15:30-15:50The Real Estate Tech Startups Today-
Satoshi MurakamiMetaprop
16:30-16:50What is ATOMica’s “social coworking” and current Startup Growth Environment?16:30-16:50What is ATOMica’s “social coworking” and current Startup Growth Environment?-
Mizuki ShimadaATOMica Inc.