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    ​〜My Challenge with Global Leaders~

    Challenge more. Go global. Start your own business.
    These are words that we hear more and more often.
    However, many people are not sure what they should actually do.

    When you hear the words “go global,” the only images that come to mind may be studying abroad, working for a foreign company, a trading company, or a Silicon Valley startup.

    But in fact, there are more diverse paths. After gaining several years of experience at a large company, some people launch a startup that expands its business around the world. Some started their own businesses while still in college and are still struggling to make it. They, too, were once university students.

    If they were to go back to being students now, what would they challenge themselves with?
    What is a “good challenge” for each of us?

    In order for today's students to find the best challenge for themselves, we would like to create a place where they can feel closer to “global” and “start-up” options as well as role models. By conversing with today's entrepreneurs and global players, you are sure to find hints for your own challenges.

    In the first half of this year's WASABI, entrepreneurs, startups, and leaders of large companies will be invited to talk about “challenges and risks. The second half will be a time to experience the world of startups through pitches & sessions by entrepreneurs who are challenging on the global stage.

    Why don't you start your journey to find hints for your challenge from this WASABI?
